Manuel Schunter

Manuel Schunter was born in Munich (Germany) in 1985 and has lived primarily in Switzerland since 2007. He completed a his bachelor’s degree in physical theater at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri and his master’s in expanded theater at the Bern University of the Arts. Schunter has since given numerous performances and toured as a clown in the world of circus and vaudeville (with Circus Monti, Circus Roncalli, Das Zelt, Circus Sarrasani, and at Circus Knie’s centenary celebrations, among others). Schunter was a permanent ensemble mem­ber with the Theater Madame Bissegger and the Origen Festival. His theater engagements have included performances with the Stadttheater Freiburg, LAC Lugano, and Espace Nuithonie. Besides his activities as a performer, Schunter also directs various stage productions and lectures at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He has been a member of Mummenschanz since the summer of 2022.