Program Books/Asmik Grigorian, soprano; Lukas Geniušas, piano/Asmik Grigorian, soprano; Lukas Geniušas, piano Program


Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840–1893) Sred shumnogo bala
(Amid the din of the ball), Op. 38, No. 3
Snova, kak prezhde, odin
(Again, as before, I’m alone), Op. 73, No. 6
Net, tolko tot, kto znal
(Only one who’s known longing), Op. 6, No. 6
Sleza drozhit (A tear trembles), Op. 6, No. 4
Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2
Scherzo humoristique, Op. 19, No. 2
Blagoslovlyayu vas, lesa
(I bless you, forests), Op. 47, No. 5
Ne sprashivai (Do not ask), Op. 57, No. 3


Sergei RACHMANINOFF (1873–1943) V molchani nochi tainoi
(In the silence of the secret night), Op. 4, No. 3
Ne poi, krasavitsa, pri mne
(Sing not to me, beautiful maiden) Op. 4, No. 4
Ditya! kak tsvetok, ty prekrasna
(Child, thou art as beautiful as a flower),
Op. 8, No. 2
Son (The Dream), Op. 8, No. 5
Vesenniye vody (Spring waters), Op. 14, No. 11
O, ne grusti (Oh, do not grieve), Op. 14, No. 8
Ya zhdu tebya (I’m waiting for you), Op. 14, No. 1
Prelude in G-sharp minor Op. 32, No. 12
Prelude in D flat, Op. 32, No. 13
Sumerki (Twilight), Op. 21, No. 3
Zdes khorosho (How fair this spot),
Op. 21, No. 7
My otdokhnyom (We shall rest), Op. 26, No. 3
Dissonans (Dissonance), Op. 34, No. 13



Sred shumnogo bala, Op. 38, No. 3 (1878)

[Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy]

Amid the din of the ball
Sred shumnogo bala, sluchaino
V trevoge mirskoi suety,
Tebya ya uvidel, no taina
Tvoi pokryvala cherty.

Lish ochi pechalno glyadeli
A golos tak divno zvuchal,
Kak zvon otdalyonnoi svireli,
Kak morya igrayushchii val.

Mne stan tvoy ponravilsya tonkii
I ves tvoi zadumchivyi vid;
A smekh tvoi, i grustnyi i zvonkii,
S tekh por v moyom serdtse zvuchit.

V chasy odinokiye nochi,
Lyublyu ya, ustalyi prilech.
Ya vizhu pechalnye ochi,
Ya slyshu vesyoluyu rech.

I grustno ya, grustno tak zasypayu,
I v gryozakh nevedomykh splyu;
Lyublyu li tebya? Ya ne znayu
No kazhetsya mne, chto lyublyu!

Amid the din of the ball, by chance
in all of vain society’s alarms,
I caught sight of you, but a mystery
hid your features from me.

Your eyes were gazing sadly
but your voice had a wonderful sound,
like notes played on a distant flute,
like waves swelling playfully in the sea.

I liked your slim figure
and your pensive look;
your laughter, sad and musical,
rings in my heart ever since.

At night in solitary hours,
tired, I like to lie back.
I see your sad eyes,
I hear your gay speech.

And, melancholy, I fall asleep
and dream mysterious dreams;
I don’t know if this means I love you,
but it seems to me I’m in love!

Snova, kak prezhde, odin, Op. 73, No. 6 (1893)

[Daniil Maksimovich Rathaus]

Again, as before, I’m alone
Snova, kak prezhde, odin,
Snova obyat ya toskoi.
Smotritsya topol v okno,
Ves ozaryonnyi lunoi.

Smotritsya topol v okno,
Shepchut o chyom-to listy.
V zvyozdakh goryat nebesa…
Gde teper, milaya, ty?

Vsyo, chto tvoritsya so mnoi,
Ya peredat ne berus…
Drug! pomolis za menya,
Ya za tebya uzh molyus.

Again, as before, I’m alone,
again I’m filled with longing.
A poplar stands by the window,
flooded with moonlight.

A poplar stands by the window,
the leaves are whispering about something.
The sky is aflame with stars…
Where now, darling, are you?

I couldn’t begin to tell you
all that’s happening to me…
Friend! Say a prayer for me,
I’m praying for you.

Net, tolko tot, kto znal, Op. 6, No. 6 (1869)

[Lev Aleksandrovich Mey, after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]

Only one who has known longing
Net, tolko tot, kto znal
Svidanya zhazhdu,
Poimyot, kak ya stradal
I kak ya strazhdu.

Glyazhu ya vdal… net sil,
Tuskneyet oko…
Akh, kto menya lyubil
I znal—dalyoko!

Akh, tolko tot, kto znal
Svidanya zhazhdu,
Poimyot, kak ya stradal
I kak ya strazhdu.

Vsya grud gorit… Kto znal
Svidanya zhazhdu,
Poimyot, kak ya stradal
I kak ya strazhdu.

No, only one who’s known
longing to be together,
can know what I’ve suffered
and how I’m suffering.

I gaze at the distance… faint,
my eye grows dim…
ah, how far away’s the one
who loved me, knew me!

Ah, only one who has known
longing to be together,
can know what I’ve suffered
and how I’m suffering.

My heart’s on fire… whoever’s known
longing to be together,
knows what I’ve suffered
and how I’m suffering.

Sleza drozhit, Op. 6, No. 4 (1869)

[Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy]

A tear trembles
Sleza drozhit v tvoyom revnivom vzore—
O, ne grusti, ty vsyo mne doroga!
No ya lyubit mogu lish na prostore—
Moyu lyubov, shirokuyu kak more,
Vmestit ne mogut, net! vmestit ne mogut
Zhizni berega.

O, ne grusti, moi drug, zemnoye minet gore,
Pozhdi yeshchyo—nevolya nedolga—
V odnu lyubov, my vse solyomsya vskore,
V odnu lyubov, shirokuyu kak more,
Chto ne vmestyat, net! chto ne vmestyat
Zemnye berega.

A tear trembles in your jealous gaze—
oh, don’t be sad, you’re dear to me as ever!
But I can only love in boundless freedom—
my love is wide as the sea,
life’s shores cannot, no!
Cannot contain it all.

Oh, don’t be sad, my love, earthly grief will pass,
wait a little longer—this bondage is brief—
soon we all will merge into love alone,
into a love as wide as the sea,
that earthly shores, never, no!
Never could contain.

Blagoslovlyayu vas, lesa, Op. 47, No. 5 (1880)

[Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy]

I bless you, forests
Blagoslovlyayu vas, lesa,
Doliny, nivy, gory, vody,
Blagoslovlyayu ya svobodu
I golubye nebesa!
I posokh moi blagoslovlyayu,
I etu bednuyu sumu,
I step ot krayu i do krayu,
I solntsa svet, i nochi tmu,
I odinokuyu tropinku,
Po koyei, nishchii, ya idu,
I v pole kazhduyu bylinku,
I v nebe kazhduyu zvezdu!
O, esli b mog vsyu zhizn smeshat ya,
Vsyu dushu vmeste s vami slit,
O, esli b mog v moi obyatya
Ya vas, vragi, druzya i bratya,
I vsyu prirodu, i vsyu prirodu
V moi obyatya zaklyuchit!
I bless you, forests,
valleys, fields of grain, mountains, waters,
I bless freedom
and blue skies!
And my pilgrim’s staff I bless,
and this poor knapsack
and the steppe from edge to edge
the sun’s light, and night’s darkness,
and the solitary path,
along which I, a poor man, walk,
and every blade of grass in the field,
and every star in the sky!
Oh, if only I could merge all of life,
with my soul and all of you,
oh, if I could gather in my embrace
you, foes, friends, and brothers,
and all of nature, and all of nature,
and hold you all in my embrace!
Ne sprashivai, Op. 57, No. 3 (1884)

[Aleksandr Strugovshchikov, after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]

Do not ask
Ne sprashivai, ne vyzyvai priznanya!
Molchanya lezhit na mne pechat;
Vsyo vyskazat—odno moyo zhelanye,
No vtaine ya obrechena stradat!

Tam vechnyi lyod vershiny pokryvayet,
Zdes na polya legla nochnaya ten,
S vesnoyu vnov istochnik zaigrayet,
S zaryoyu vnov proglyanet Bozhii den.

I vsem, i vsem dano v chas skorbi uteshenye,
Ukazan drug, shtob serdtse oblegchit:
Mne s klyatvoi na ustakh dano odno terpenye,
I tolko Bog, i tolko Bog, ikh mozhet razreshit!

Do not ask, nor bid me bare my soul!
My vow of silence is unbreakable;
my one desire is to tell everything,
but my fate is to suffer in secret!

Eternal ice covers the heights above,
here below, night’s shadow lies on the fields,
with spring the pure stream will flow again,
with dawn God’s daylight will shine forth.

All, all are given comfort in the hour of painful grief,
a friend to ease the troubled heart:
to me patience alone is ordained, with a vow on my lips,
And only God, and only God can unseal them!



V molchani nochi tainoi, Op. 4, No. 3 (1892?)

[Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet]

In the silence of the secret night
O, dolga budu ya, v molchani nochi tainoi,

Kovarnyi lepet tvoi, ulybku, vzor, vzor sluchainyi,
Perstam poslushnuyu volos, volos tvoikh gustuyu pryad
lz myslei izgonyat i snova prizyvat;

Sheptat i popravlyat bylye vyrazhenya
Rechei moikh s toboi, ispolnennykh smushchenya,
I v opyaneni, naperekor umu,
Zavetnym imenem budit nochnuyu tmu.

O, dolgo budu ya, v molchani nochi tainoi,

Zavetnym imenem budit nochnuyu tmu.

O, long will I, in the silence of the secret night,
your sly chatter, smile, glance, casual glance,

hair pliant to my fingers, your thick shock of hair,
banish from my thoughts and summon back again,
whisper and improve past words
I spoke to you, so full of shy confusion,

and in rapture against all reason,
awake night’s darkness with your cherished name.
O, long will I, in the silence of the secret night,
awake night’s darkness with your cherished name.

Ne poi, krasavitsa, pri mne Op. 4, No. 4 (1892–93?)

[Alexander Pushkin]

Sing not to me, beautiful maiden
Ne poi, krasavitsa, pri mne
Ty pesen Gruzii pechalnoi;
Napominayut mne one
Druguyu zhizn i bereg dalnoi.

Uvy, napominayut mne
Tvoi zhestokiye napevy
I step, i noch, i pri lune
Cherty dalyokoi, bednoi devy!…

Ya prizak milyi, rokovoi,
Tebya uvidev, zabyvayu;
No ty poyosh i predo mnoi
Ego ya vnov voobrazhayu.

Ne poi, krasavitsa, pri mne
Ty pesen Gruzii pechalnoi;
Napominayut mne one
Druguyu zhizn i bereg dalnoi.

Sing not to me, beautiful maiden,
your songs of sad Georgia;
they remind me
of another life and distant shore.

Alas, they bring back memories,
your cruel melodies,
of the steppe at night, and in the moonlight,
the features of a poor maiden far away!…

Seeing you, I forget
that dear, fateful vision;
but when you sing, again
I imagine it before me.

Sing not to me, beautiful maiden,
your songs of sad Georgia;
they remind me
of another life and distant shore.

Ditya! kak tsvetok, ty prekrasna, Op. 8, No. 2 (1893)

[Aleksey Pleshcheyev, after Heinrich Heine]

Child, thou art as beautiful as a flower
Ditya! kak tsvetok, ty prekrasna,
Svetla, i chista, i mila,
Smotryu na tebya, i lyubuyus,
I snova dusha ozhyla…

Okhotno b tebe na golovku
Ya ruki svoi vozlozhil,
Prosya shtoby Bog tebya vechno
Prekrasnoi i chistoi khranil.

Child, thou art as beautiful as a flower,
bright, and pure, and dear,
I look at you and admire you,
and again my soul is alive…

Gladly would I lay
my hands on your small head,
asking that God keep you
fair and pure forever.

Son, Op. 8, No. 5 (1893)

[Aleksey Pleshcheyev, after Heinrich Heine]

The dream
I u menya byl krai rodnoi;
Prekrasen on!
Tam yel kachalas nado mnoi…
No to byl son!

Semya druzei zhiva byla
So vsekh storon
Zvuchali mne lyubvi slova…
No to byl son!

I, too, had a native land;
so beautiful!
A fir tree swayed above me there…
but it was a dream!

My family were living friends
and all around me
words of love were spoken…
but it was a dream!

Vesenniye vody, Op. 14, No. 11 (1896)

[Fyodor Tyutchev]

Spring waters
Yeshchyo v polyakh beleyet sneg,
A vody uzh vesnoi shumyat,

Begut i budyat sonnyi breg,

Begut, i bleshchut, i glasyat…

Oni glasyat vo vse kontsy:
“Vesna idyot! Vesna idyot!”
My molodoi vesny gontsy,
Ona nas vyslala vperyod.

“Vesna idyot! Vesna idyot!”
I tikhikh, tyoplykh maiskikh dnei
Rumyanyi, svetyi khorovod
Tolpitsya veselo za nei

The fields are still white with snow,
but already the waters are proclaiming spring,
running along and waking sleepy riverbanks,
running and glittering and declaring.

They declare in all directions:
“Spring is coming! Spring is coming!”
We are the heralds of young spring,
she sent us in advance.

“Spring is coming! Spring is coming!”
And the still, warm days of May
in a rosy, bright circle-dance,
crowd together and gaily follow behind.

O, ne grusti, Op. 14, No. 8 (1896)

[Aleksey Apukhtin]

Oh, do not grieve
O, ne grusti po mne! Ya tam, gde net stradanya.
Zabud bylykh skorbei muchitelnye sny…
Pust budut obo mne tvoi vospominanya
Svetlei, chem pervyi den vesny.

O, ne toskui po mne! Mezh nami net razluki:
Ya tak zhe, kak i vstar, dushe tvoyei blizka,
Menya po-prezhnemu tvoi volnuyut muki,
Menya gnetyot tvoya toska.

Zhivi! ty dolzhen zhit. I yesli siloi chuda
Ty zdes naidyosh otradu i pokoi,
To znai, chto eto ya otkliknulas ottuda
Na zov dushi tvoyei bolnoi.

Oh, do not grieve for me! There is no suffering where I am.
Forget the painful dreams of past sorrows.
May all your memories of me be
brighter than the first day of spring.
Oh, do not pine for me! We are not separated from each other.
I am as near to you in soul as in the past.
As before, your anguish troubles me,
and your longing brings me pain.

Live! You must live! And if by some miracle
you should find happiness and peace here,
know that it was I who answered from afar
the call of your wounded soul.

Ya zhdu tebya, Op. 14, No. 1 (1894)

[Mariya Davidova]

I’m waiting for you
Ya zhdu tebya! Zakat ugas,
I nochi tyomnye pokrovy
Spustitsya na zemlyu gotovy
I spryatat nas!

Ya zhdu tebya! Dushistoi mgloi
Noch napoila mir usnuvshii
I razluchilsya den minuvshii
Na vek s zemlyoi!

Ya zhdu! Terzayas i lyubya,
Schitayu kazhdye mgnovenya,
Polna toski i neterpenya,
Ya zhdu tebya!

I’m waiting for you! Dusk has fallen,
and night’s dark veils
are ready to descend to earth
and make us hidden.

I’m waiting for you! Night has suffused
the sleeping world with fragrant shadows
and the passing day has said farewell
forever to the earth!

I’m waiting! In torment and in love,
I count each moment,
in longing and impatience.
I wait for you!

Sumerki, Op. 21, No. 3 (1902)

[Ivan Ivanovich Tkhorzhevsky, after Jean-Marie Guyau]

Ona zadumalas. Odna, pered oknom,

Sklonyas, ona sidit, i v sumrake nochnom

Mertsayet dolgii vzor; i v sineve bezbrezhnoi
Temneyushchikh nebes ronyaya luch svoi nezhnyi,
Voskhodyat zvyozdochki besshumnoyu tolpoi;
I kazhetsya, shto tam kakoi-ta svetlyi roi
Tainstvenna parit, i, slovna voskhishchyonnyi,
Trepeshchet nad yeyo golovkoyu sklonyonnyi.

She’s lost in thought. Alone, before the window,
she sits, her head inclined, and in the evening dusk a long
gaze radiates from her eyes; and in the boundless blue
of the darkening sky, sending down tender rays of light,
little stars come out in a silent throng;

and it seems some kind of bright swarm
soars there mysteriously, and in heightened excitement,
trembles high above her lowered head

Zdes khorosho, Op. 21, No. 7 (1902)

[Glafira Adol’fovna Galina]

How fair this spot
Zdes khorosho… Vzglyani: vdali
Ognyom gorit reka,
Tsvetnym kovrom luga legli,
Beleyut oblaka.

Zdes net lyudei… Zdes tishina…
Zdes tolko Bog da ya.
Tsvety, da staraya sosna,
Da ty, mechta moya…

How fair this spot… Look: in the distance
the river glitters like fire,
the meadows are a carpet of color,
there are white clouds overhead.

Here there are no people… it’s so quiet…
here are only God and I.
And the flowers, and the old pine tree,
and you, my dream…

My otdokhnyom, Op. 26, No. 3 (1906)

[Anton Pavlovich Chekhov]

We shall rest, Op. 26, No. 3
My otdokhnyom! My uslyshim angelov,
My uvidim vsyo nebo v almazakh,

My uvidim, kak vsyo zlo zemnoye,
Vse nashi stradaniya potonut v miloserdii,
Kotoroye napolnit soboyu ves mir,
I nasha zhizn stanet tikhoyu,
Nezhnoyu, sladkoyu, kak laska.
Ya veruyu, veruyu…
My otdokhnyom… My otdokhnyom.

We shall rest! We shall hear the angels,
we shall see the heaven, all clad in diamonds,
we shall see all earthly evil,
all our sufferings drown in mercy,
a mercy that will cover the whole earth,
and our lives will become as peaceful,
tender, and sweet as a caress.
I believe… I believe….
We shall rest… we shall rest.
Dissonans, Op. 34, No. 13 (1912)

[Yakov Polonsky]

Pust po vole sudeb ya rasstalas s toboi,
Pust drugoi obladayet moyei krasotoi!
Iz obyatii ego, iz nochnoi dukhoti,
Unoshus ya dalyoko na krylyakh mechty.
Vizhu snova nash staryi, zapushchyonnyi sad,
Otrazhyonni v prude potukhayet zakat,
Pakhnet lipovym tsvetom v prokhlade allei…
Za prudom, gde-to v roshche, urchit solovei…
Ya steklyanuyu dver otvorila, drozhu;
Ya iz mraka v tainstvennyi sumrak glyazhu…
Chu! tam khrustnula vetka, ne ty li shagnul?
Vstrepenulasya ptichka, ne ty li spugnul?
Ya prislushivayus, ya muchitelno zhdu,
Ya na shelest shagov tvoikh tikho idu—
Kholodit moi chleny to strast to ispug—
Eto ty menya za ruku vzyal, milyi drug?
Eto ty ostorozhno tak obnyal menya,
Eto tvoi potselui—potselui bez ognya?
S bolyu v trepetnom serdtse, s volnenyem v krovi,
Ty ne smeyesh otdatsya bezumstvam lyubvi,

I, vnimaya recham blagorodnym tvoim,
Ya ne smeyu dat volyu vlechenyam svoim,
I drozhu, i shepchu tebe: milyi ty moi!

Pust vladeyet on zhalkoi moyei krasotoi!
Iz obyatii ego, iz nochoi dukhoty,
Ya opyat uletayu na krylyakh mechty,

V etot sad, v etu tem, vot na etu skamyu,
Gde vpervye podslushal ty dushu moyu…

Ya dushoyu slivayus s tvoyeyu dushoi,
Pust vladeyet on zhalkoi moyei krasotoi!

Never mind that fate has parted us,
and another man possesses my beauty!
From his embraces, in the stifling night,
I am carried far away on wings of a dream.
I see again our garden, old and overgrown,
the setting sun reflected in the pond;
the air smells of blossoms in the cool linden alleys…
past the pond, in the grove, a nightingale is warbling…
I open the glass door, trembling;
in darkness I gaze into the mysterious shadows…
Hark! a stick cracked, was that you taking a step?
A bird flew up—was it you who startled it?
I listen intently in an agony of expectation,
I tiptoe toward the rustle of your footsteps,
my limbs shiver with passion and fright—
is it you taking my hand, my darling?
Is this cautious embrace you,
Is this kiss yours—a kiss without fire?
With pain in your trembling heart, with excitement in your blood,
you don’t dare to surrender to mad flights of love,
and, listening to your noble words,
I dare not give vent to my own feelings,
and I tremble, and whisper to you: darling of mine!
So what if he possesses my poor beauty!
From his embraces, in the stifling night,
I am carried away again on wings of a dream,
to this garden, this darkness, this bench,
where you first listened secretly to my soul…

And again I merge my soul with yours—
so what if he possesses my poor beauty!