Creative & Executive Producer

Linda Brumbach is an independent creative producer based in New York City working across mediums of performance, installation, and film. She founded her company Pomegranate Arts in 1998. She was a producer at International Production Associates from 1987–1998 for Philip Glass and the Philip Glass Ensemble, Twyla Tharp, Spalding Gray, Diamanda Galás, Eric Bogosian, Elizabeth Streb, Karen Finley, The Improbable Theatre, Richard Foreman, Roger Guinevere Smith, Meryl Tankard, Lisa Kron, and the Serious Fun! Festival at Lincoln Center. Linda is an executive producer of the HBO Documentary film Taylor Mac’s A 24-Decade History of Popular Music and the ALL ARTS film short Whitman in the Woods. She conceived and co-authored her first publication, a special box set edition of the Philip Glass Piano Etudes. (Artisan)in November 2023. Linda has served many organizations, including Celebrate Brooklyn, the Urban Bush Woman’s choreographic initiative producing program, Creative Capital, the Creative and Independent Producer Alliance (CIPA), the Association of Performing Arts Professionals and the International Society for Performing Arts. In 2016, she received the Pat­­rick Hayes Award for longstanding achievement in the performing arts.