Andrew Goodridge
Andrew Goodridge has performed with many leading artists, including James Bus- well, Roman Totenberg, and members of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Minne- sota Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, and Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Goodridge runs a private piano studio in Woburn, MA, and is on the faculty at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School. He has taught piano accompanying at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, music appreciation at the Cambridge Cen- ter for Adult Education, music history at the New England Conservatory School of Continuing Education, class piano at Con- cord Academy, and music theory for Proj- ectSTEP.
Goodridge studied with the legendary collaborative pianist Artur Balsam while at- tending the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival. He majored in English literature at Harvard University and worked with Patri- cia Zander at the New England Conserva- tory, where he received degrees in solo and collaborative piano.