TEST Beyond the Stage Landing Page2020-12-30T10:40:41-08:00
Cal Performances at Home: Beyond the Stage. Artist talks; interviews; lectures; Q&A sessions with artists, Cal Performances staff, and UC Berkeley faculty; and more!

Cal Performances at Home is much more than a series of great streamed performances. Fascinating behind-the-scenes artist interviews. Informative and entertaining public forums. The Cal Performances Reading Room, featuring books with interesting connections to our Fall 2020 programs. For all this and much more, keep checking this page for frequent updates and to journey far, far Beyond the Stage!

Major support for Beyond the Stage is provided by Bank of America.

Bank of America

Beyond the Stage

Artist Conversation with Danish String Quartet: 2021/22 Season

Danish String Quartet

Artist Conversation with Danish String Quartet: 2021/22 Season

October 5, 2021

A Conversation with Cal Performances Executive and Artistic Director Jeremy Geffen

The iconic Danish String Quartet sits down with Executive and Artistic Director Jeremy Geffen to discuss their new Doppelgänger project, commissioning composers, the emotional and formal challenges of performing pieces by Schubert, the physical challenges of performing live music, and more in this Beyond the Stage artist talk.

This artist conversation video is presented in conjunction with the Quartet’s two Cal Performances 2021/22 visits on Oct 10 and Apr 29.

9/11: A Turning Point

John Sopko, Lowell Bergman, Jane Ferguson

9/11: A Turning Point

September 17, 2021

An Illuminations “Place and Displacement” Talk

Featuring: Lowell Bergman (moderator), Janet Napolitano, Fawzia Koofi, Brian Knappenberger, Mo Naqvi, Matt Pottinger, Jane Ferguson, Frances Townsend, Dale Watson, and John Sopko

View the Panelists Bios >

September 11, 2001 thrust the United States into a new era: the War on Terror. The attack was not a bolt from the blue; it sprang from a destabilized Afghanistan and the rise of Al-Qaeda. The day proved a stunning turning point, triggering the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and, later, Iraq.  At the chaotic conclusion to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan two decades later, America—and the rest of the world—grapples with twenty years of destabilization and displacement, and an equally-long train of movements of people, including the creation of an immense new population of refugees.

Join us for our first Illuminations: “Place and Displacement” event of the season, a special panel discussion with the filmmakers and key participants of Netflix’s new hit documentary Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror, chronicling why 9/11 happened and the day’s consequences. Moderated by UC Berkeley’s own Lowell Bergman, emeritus professor of journalism and an executive producer of the Netflix series, the panel will also feature special guest commentator Janet Napolitano, the former Secretary of Homeland Security and president of the University of California.

UCB Center for Security in Politics
Jonathan Logan Family Foundation